
Welcome to the “ReturnToRoots” Facebook group! Our community is dedicated to helping military veterans and their families successfully transition back into civilian life by eliminating issues like homelessness, incarceration, and unemployment. Our focus is on retention, transition, and reintegration, and our “why” is to provide a supportive tribe for veterans to connect with others and access resources that can help them succeed.

Our goal is to provide a safe space for veterans and their families to share their stories, find support, and connect with others who understand the unique challenges of transitioning out of the military. Through our community, we provide access to valuable resources and connect veterans with others who have successfully used these resources to achieve their goals.

Join us to learn, share, and connect with others who are committed to supporting military veterans and their families in their journey back to civilian life. Let’s work together to build a community where every veteran has the tools and support they need to thrive!

A transformative podcast and community dedicated to empowering Service Members, Veterans, and their families on their journey to success. Through engaging interviews with members of the community, non-profit and veterans-centric organizations, we provide access to a wealth of resources aimed at reducing the number of veteran suicides, homelessness, and incarceration. Our mission is to combat these pressing issues through shared resources, experiences, and storytelling. We are building a supportive community where individuals come together to make a positive impact.
